Extended care for all grades is located on our campus at 333 Dolores Street.
Preschool extended care hours: 8 – 8:30 AM and 3 – 6 PM
Lower/Middle school extended care hours: 8 – 9 AM and 3:30 – 6 PM
Extended care is drop-in (no prior registration needed!). If your camper arrives before camp or stays after, they will be signed in to extended care automatically and your account will be billed $11.50/hour (sliding scale applies).
(Siblings are not charged for arriving at a younger sibling’s drop-off time or departing at older sibling’s pick-up time)
Billing/account: All CDS families will be charged normally through their Kinderlime account. All non-CDS families will automatically be assigned a Kinderlime account prior to your first week of camp. You will receive an email notification instructing you to set up your account and enter billing information. Billing for extended care hours will occur on the 5th of the month following dates used.